Monday, June 30, 2008
Walking in streets of Buenos Aires
Ani sa mi nechce verit ze to bude uz zachvilu mesiac co som sem prisla.. vsetko ide strasne rychlo, ani si to poriadne neuvedomujem.. este som ani nemala volny vikend, stale nieco robime, stale niekam chodime, cez vikendy stale nejaka party od 2 do 7 do rana (tu tak totiz party zacina), potom sa spi do 3 a den je prec..cez tyzden zase vzdy od 10 do 9 na ofise, vecer v telke Priatelia so spanielskymi titulkami, nejaky film, a ide sa spat..
Cez vikend poobede sa vzdy vezmeme a ideme sa prechadzat- vacsinou s Emilom z Chile, ktory mi tu je jak mladsi brat, a straaasne sikovny a mudry chalanisko.. i toto sme boli teraz v sobotu aj s dalsimi, tak som narobila par fotiek, aby ste videli:)
toto je to historicke metro o ktorom som vravela.. to s tymi dverami, co si musim otvorit sama, ked chcem nastupit :)
drevene lavicky, drevene okna,.. uz mi to pride uplne normalne.. prvy tyzden som sa stale kukala okolo seba, teraz uz mi to ani nepride.. :)
Takto tu vyzera vavysina domov..
Toto sme s Marinou (z Ruska)- chuda blondate totu ma straaasne tazke.. vsetci po nej pokrikuju, pokukujum vkuse ju niekto niekam taha, na party nema pokoja... ja vypadam jak domaca :).. som vysmiata hehe :)
Obelisk.. jeden z typickych symbolov Buenos Aires..Povedali nam ze pred tak 2 rokmi na den boja proti AIDS nanho natiahli obrovsky kondom.. :)
a toto je kongres- v ktorm sme boli prvy tyzden, takto vypada zvonku.. uuuzasnaaaa budova!!!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Loosing my identity---
Last week for me was very tough.. We had planning with my new MC and were supposed to plan next year for Southern Cone.. I did not imagine that after several plannings with my LC/coaching LC/ MC it will be for me so difficult.. SOOO dufficult..
The worst thing was that the things that are working in Czech Republic, the way of work, I was used to use there, is totally not working here.. My way of thinking is not understandable for other people and I somehow cannot follow their mind processes..
Girls form CEE were here all the time challenging the process all the time trying to do it more effectively, better, but it ends up with a huge mess and muuuuch misused time..
The peak moment was in Thursday when I was totally but TOTALLY lost. I did not know where we are going I did not know what will be the output of these activities, I did not know how I should contribute. And that after 5 years in @ it reaaaally put me was first time after long time that I could not think about any creative solution that could help at least for me to understand what they are talking about..
I had to leave the room, with lap top, staring into the PC and charts, thinking, but not coming with anything.. I was very down, thinking what was really the thing that was not working.. If it was really bad process or bad work way, or amI so stupid?
Tears and "looser-feeling" was followed by "CEE-IGN discussion" what we understand as Focus area and what as strategy and what as action steps etc.. At the end we agreed on one process that was understandable for all of us.. Latin guys told us after finishing that it was the same they wanted to do it before. So we had the same ideas but each of us was explaining it in different way..
And so it happens, that discussions take us soooo much time.. All the time, everybody wants to express him/herself (and as we do not still understand thinking of each other) the sessions that would be normally for an hour are suddenly for 3 hours.. Our MCP has here really really tough job..
So I m slowly losing my identity.. stopping to do the things I was used to do, stopping to use the same humor I was used to, stopping to follow the same working style I was used to and trying to figure out, what will be that what will fit here but will also fit me..
New place to live, new place to spend time, starting find new favourite backery, favourite coffeeplace, favourite place for walks, for shopping.. Going everywhere with map, trying to figure our where I am, not understanding the language..Finding new people around, looking for my souldmates I can share anything, being alone many times.. this everything is contributing to building up my new "laTina" ... :)
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Post in English for @people
This post I decided to write in English, cause it s mainly about AIESEC and definitely Barca will appreciate that I will share this in language she understands;) Many people were asking why it Southern Cone together and not separated Argentina Chile and Uruguay- so I will explain :)..
As we are in transition process and putting first ideas into our plan, I m getting to know the AIESEC reality here better and better..This region is really young, Southern Cone has just 2 years of existence. Before Argentina, Chile were existing separately, but were very low performing. As these countries had great economic potential, and quality education system, AI wanted to support somehow the region.. So MCPs on IPM decided to invest money, train people that will come to these countries and will try to wake it up. But there not enough money, neither people to invest in all countries, so they decided that will create Southern Cone comprised of these 3 countries.
It was called “leverage project” and it was not just for Southern Cone, but also Thailand and Spain. AI selected several experienced members, trained them and sent them to these countries, where they were supposed to build up quality basement for AIESEC for next generations.
And 2 people came also to Southern Cone..These were our predecessors 2 years ago that had strong will and strong vision to start something really great, Last team went on and now it is up to us to move it even further.
I have to say that during transition I was very impressed, how much work can be done in 3 countries in 2 years..
While listening to our predecessors, I felt amazing responsibility for next year. It is their belief in the region in the people that is motivating us and kicking our asses to DO something..and not just something..SOMETHING !!
I regret we (my former MC) did not pass this motivation and passion to our successors in Czech Republic..I did not feel that we were proud of our country of our people, of our LCs and of the job we have done.. there is not so much energy in things we are doing .. could be diferent if we would value our XP more..:(
I had already one meeting with OCP of a project from Buenos Aires, I suggested some things in the project and directly after the meeting her LCP was writing me that "thank you so much for the advises, we already planned how we will implement the suggestions" and I said to myself "wooooow, this is so amazing..!!"
Members here are seeking for ideas, for experience they follow your advises and are eager to work and achieve things..In Czech Republic generally they first look for all possible obstacles and way how it can fail..
What was for me also very interesting, how they are taking accountancy, compendiums and legality serious.. Compendium of Southern Cone has around 100 pages and there is everything- starting from membership criteria to the point, that MC has to send agenda to OC before the conference J.. Each LC has their local compendium and work with it- it is very alive thing that is in place at every general assembly..
People know the compendium and read it, and follow it.. ( How many Czech members have read their local compendium? .. the question is, if it is needed.. if the members are accountable without it, it s ok..) In Czech Rep. membership criteria are very easy to meet and then it is very hard to loose the voting right- MCs and LCs are afraid of taking the voting right from the members/LCs once they have it (cest vynimkam).. Here? You did not meet criteria- ciao! Sorry, no voting, no second chances. Then people value the rules much more and if they want o achieve something they need to fulfill some things..
some interesting points that I got to know from talks with members here:
- they have an LC library!!- LC is buying interesting books and people can borrow it (they have some policies for that) but this was for me very intersting
- PBOXes have much mooore developed learning area as in our porjects, they have in goals that each month they will attend seminars/meetings/ workshops in external world to on one side network with people form the same issue, on the other side get to know more about the area they are inetersted in.. they also made a partenrship some CSR educating comapny and members inetersted can attend their courses cheaper..
- they are organizing "breakfasts" for companies- (breakfast here means around 11a.m.:)- they just invite companies that they had meeting with to meet ote companies, finalize discussions and close the contracts.. also interesting idea :)
- the relevance of "issues" is here much higher than back home.. here poeple really believe in changing the society-they are working with "social entreprenurship", CSR and business entrepreneuship as we in latin america there are huge differences between rich class and poor clas, and middle class is really small, these "social leaders" that will help society are here really is very ineresting for me to get to know the ideas of the projects, read about interns experience or talk with interns that are here about their XP-quite high percentage of them is working in NGO sector, and the JDs are really interesting! (e.g. they are preparing issue conferences, educating people, fundraising, writing and delivering projects, building partnerships.. very creative work) and Foundations that exist in latin america are relly willing to give a loot of money to these kind of projects- there are organizations that are funding TN fees and interns salary. First you have to apply, describe the JD and then the best TN JDs get the money.. interesting also..
This is just some sharing after 2 weeks of being here :).. anyway even when some things are better here, there are maaany things that are amazing and working in our country!! I m very proud of coming from Czech Republic, sharing A LOT here.. miss Czech Republic, miss our members, our LCs, and miss my MC team!!
Now some cultural things
People talk a loooot.. so much that I usually forgot was the point of the discussion and where is the discussion leading.. :) I m cutting it a lot, asking to the point, trying to shape it somehow and they tell me “You are too direct”.. :-S
Spanish.. ajajajaaaj.. all the GN speaks one language!! That was impossible for me before, in CEE- we had some similar words... just imagine you could go to Serbia, Russia, Hungary and everywhere talk the same language as native..that is amazing.. but as far as I do not speak Spanish, now it is quite big obstacle- but not that huge until now- I was meeting just people that speak English (of course not in restaurants or shops but in AIESEC) but LCs in Chile do not speak that much English, and some in Argentina as well.. so I need to learn as fast as possible.. It is not easy, but also not that difficult..
And people are daaancing and they do not need litres of alcohol - they dance without it- just naturaly.. and guys especially.. I was impressed! Reagatton and salsa we danced at flat at each party and our guys CAN lead girsl in dance!! Finally I do not have to lead the dancer but I m dancing with somebody, who is more skilled than I am :D.. (..but- have to admit that "to be be lead my man" was at the beginning a bit difficult and not natural for me..:)
That is it for now.. :)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Random moments
Na posledny argentinsky vecer Augusta doniesla jej steniatko lebo zevraj strasne pistalo, tak sa ho moji mili spolubyvajuci ujali :)..Na fotke je moment ked sa hrali na levieho krala a dvihali chuda stena do vysok :D
.. planning.. no comment :)
Monday, June 16, 2008
Office & byt
Tuto meetingujeme- je to jedna z tried na nasej chodbe- sidlime na pode univerzity, ktora je privatna a je velmi pekna. Zlava- Vika a Javi (citaj Chavi:)
Buenos Aires..
Friday, June 13, 2008
Vecer v Congrese
Mexicania si tu robili show, zdravili ludi, ktorych v zivote nevideli a ti ludia sa k nim hned hlasili, a objimali ich :D.. Inak to som zabudla napisat- pozdrav tu je pusa na lice- s kymkolvek, kedykolvek- aj chlap s chlapom..(co nasi mexicania nemozu rozdychat, lebo je to „teple“.. len sa smejem ako zatinaju zuby, ked sa nejaky chlap nakloni k nim :D..)
Tu je foto z programu- zevraj ich starodobe kostymy- aj tancovali- mali take biele satky a stale nimi tocili nad hlavou.. to bolo vsetko :)
Raut- no cakala som ze to bude nieco ako svedske stoly u nas, ale tu boli take biele sendvice so sunkou a syrom, syrom a syrom, rajcinou a syrom.. a to bolo..take homelessacke..
A ponukali Argentinske vino. MNAAAAAM!!! Boze fakt, co sa vravi o nom- bolo uuzasneeee!!To potom nejake donesiem ;)
A toto sme sa dostali na miesto kde mozu chodit len senatori a poslanci, pripadne novinari – tam nas Augustina..
Inak co je zaujimave, ze i prezident Chile je zenska.. no zacina sa mi tu pacit :D..
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Argentina versus Ceska Republika
Taaaak napriklad:
.. prides, zjes kolko chces a zaplatis vzdy jednu a tu istu cenu.. nikto Ta tu nekontroluje, proste vsetci rataju ze zaplatis, a zjes len tolko kolko vladzes a nebudes kradnut.. to bol fakt sok.. a to jedlo stoji- 12 pesos, co je na nase cca 72 Kc.. (som zistila ze sa mi omnoho lepsie prepocitava na ceske, lebo neviem ake su ceny na slovensku..:-S)
Inak jedlo je tu vseobecne velmi lacne, tak o 20% ako u nas, co je fajn.
Metro.. Najstarsie metro ake som kedy videla, ma viac ako 100 rokov ale je strasne zaujimave..A i strasne plne.. :)
Ked rano cestujeme na ofis, tak vzdy pozerame kam sa napchame, nechame prejst jedno metro, druhe metro, lebo to vypada ze uz ani mys sa tam nevojde a ked vidime ze uz prazdnejsie nebude tak sa tam nejake napchame- navzajom si pomozeme, bud sa natlacime, alebo stiahneme :D..
Ale je to hrozne- dnes som bola medzi dvomi bruchami- jak airbagy.. no ale aspon sa clovek nemusi drzat..
Dalsia vtipna vec- jak u nas automaticky hlas hovori „ukoncite nastup a vystup dvere sa zatvaraju“ tu vybehne z vozna chlapik zapiska a potom sa zatvoria vsetky dvere. Takze chlapik si cestuje cely den .. najlepsie ale je, ze na druhej- novsej- trase metra, maju na jednom nastupisti tak 5 obrazoviek so „subway television“ kde chodia nejake kulturne akcie stale.. hlavne ze na to maju prachy..
Ale tie dvere.. otvorit si ich musime sami (niektori to otvaraju a vyskakujue ste za jazdy :S) no a potom - to sa tak zatreskne ze by to jedneho zabilo.. fakt az sa tych dveri bojim..
Zatial tolko, musim uz ist na session- vsteko tu normalne zacina na minutu presne!! (teda aspon v AIESEC) potom dopisem i fotky dam :)
pa zatial
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
11 000 km od domova..prve dni
Nedela bola velmi zaujimava, moj organizmus uplne rozhadzany, citila som, ze kazdu chvilu zaspim a vonku bolo krasne slnecno, hoci vcelku chladno- ako u nas na podzim. Predsa len tych 5 hodin spat urobilo svoje..
Veeelmi zaujimave je to. Stale mi beha hlavou, ze to bolo tak super, ze som nepokracovala v CR ale prisla sem. vsetko je strasne nove, ucim sa kazdou minutou, spoznavam uplne novy region.. V pondelok a utorok sme mali historiu Argentiny, Chile a Uruguay, vseobecne i AIESEC.. hrozne je vidiet ako ma kazda krajina uplne inu historiu, a tak i uplne inu kulturu, uplne iny AIESEC..potom sme preberali vsetky oblasti jendu po jednej, co sa dialo v minulom roku, aky je stav teraz sme skoncili pred chvilou. Agenda celej tranistion je hodne napchata, rano prideme o 10 koncme o pol 9 vecer, medzitym hodina a pol obed, vecer prideme domov, posedime v obyvacke a ideme spat..
Uz sa tesim na vikend- v piatok budeme mat "mexicky vecer" kedy nasi dvaja mexikanci budu mat prezentaciu Mexika a budu varit, v sobotu bude na rade Colombia :). V sobotu mame konecne oddych a nerobi sa nic, a v nedelu ideme pozriet do mesta..
zatial velmi fajn, su tu zatial dvaja mexicania- Juan Ma a Javi, jedna Ruska- Vika, Argentinec- Maxi- este sa len spoznavame, ale su strasne v pohodicke, teda hlavne mexicania:)..Teraz predchvilou prisiel dalsi- Emil z Chile.. ale toho este nepoznam vobec. buduci tyzdne pride posledna- Ruska- Marina.
Rok 2007/08 over..
Inak pobalit sa na rok do 32 kg nie je teda ziadna sranda.. ja mam dva kufre, ale nie je v nich ani centimetrik volny, vsteko vyplnene, a nakoniec mi to vyslo na 36.. J..
Cesta na letisko.. stresyyyyy !!! Rano ocko ze odchadzame o pol 7.. odchadzali sme o stvrt na 8, ja som stale sa motala, nieco zabudala, az sme sa vypravili, odfukla som si, a po desiatich minutach v aute: „Mami das mi tie dolare?“ Mami: „Ake dolare?“ ..Aaaaaaaaaaa....a bolo.. tak sme sa museli vracat este po dolare..ked som si spocitala cas, tak mi zacalo vcelku lepit, a ked sme sa este dostali do zapchy na dialnici pred Brnom tak som sa skoro rozplakala aka som blba, a ze sa neviem vymotat skor a ze teraz to nestihnem a a preco musim vzdy ale vzdy riskovat a robit vsetko na poslednu chvilu..
Nakoniec to ale dobre dopadlo, na D1 pri priemernej rychlosti 170km/h sme dohnali casovi stratu, a na letisku si stihli este dat obed.. Lucenie, par slziciek, objatie do zasoby na rokJ a ide sa..
Lietadlo bolo obsadene len tak z 3/ 4 tak som mala celu trojsedacku pre seba a pre svoj kufor, ruksak, tasku a kabat, a dve duty free Becherovky, co som trepala na palubu :). Akonahle sa lietadlo dalo do pohybu, rozplakala som sa ako male dieta...take rozlucenie pre samu seba.. som si uvedomila, ze som uz davno neplakala velmi, velmi davno. .Ulava, a zaplava spomienok nasledovali..
Zacala som rozmyslat co sa vsetko stalo, a v hlave som si tak uzavrela posledny rok 2007/08..
A rozhodla som sa ze si ho uzavriem i na blogu
„ My peak moments 2007/08“
Ked zacnem takto pred rokom- akurat som zacinala v narodnom tyme, moja predchodkyna odisla do Ciny presna tak ako ja teraz zdrham do Argentiny, tak som sa musela starat skor ako ostatni- ti zacinali v Juli.. To som sa este motkala so statistikou, ktoru som opakovala tretim rokom a kde i hrozilo, ze ak ju nedam tak koncim skolu.. ake zadostucinenie nakoniec bolo, ked som ju ako jedna z mala spravila na B (1-) a fakt si tak dokazala, ze nie som blba.:)
Dalsi strasne super moment bol cez moje narodeniny- mali sme akurat meetingom s mojim tymom- s deckami z pobociek, a oni mi darovali 22 lizatiek- ze kazde na jedno prianie. Tak som postupne pocas roku papala a priala si :D.. Posledne som si dala vcera ked som balila.. ale prianie neprezradim.. aby sa splnilo
Nasledovali krusne momenty v nemocnici, a podlomene zdravie v lete ked som lezala „u Apolinare“. Ale i tam boli super chvile, ked ma prisli nasi pozriet a venovali tak 10 hodin cesty len preto aby prisli pozriet ich zubozenu dcerku.. jaj dostala som brusinky a cajik a super cucoriedkovy kolac...mnam.. a kazdy podvecer ma prisli pozriet Lukas s Barcou a vzdy mi doniesli prekvapenie- ovocie, zeleninu, alebo cokoladu.. super.. to si vtedy clovek naozaj uvedomi ake je to super mat priatelov a ludi ktori na Vas myslia a nenechaju Vas v tom ked je najhorsie..:)
Aaa je tu august- a vylet do Turecka na medzinarodny kongres- prvy krat v Azii, kulturny sok. Stadeto mam strasne super priatelov, s ktorymi za ten rok sme sa skamaratili este viac, a uz sa neviem dockat, ked sa s podaktorymi stretneme v Brazilii na dalsom medzinardonmo kongerese..a Srbi.. moji najoblubenejsi..:D
September- najrusnejsi mesiac mojho roku- vylet do Srbska, Bulharska a zase Srbska, medzinarodna konferencia, meetingy cez vikendy- v tomto mesiaci som precestovala tak 5000 km ak nie viac, a teda som sa vobec nezastavila.. ale bolo to super J a take ubehanie a rozcestovane boli i dalsie mesiace, az mojim poslednym vyletom v Srbsku v decembri, ked som s a s mojim srbskym priatelom rozisla.. Vtedy ale ma to ani nemalo sancu mrziet, lebo som sa pripravovala na volby a mala som na starosti narodnu „leadership development“ konferenciu, takze to vobec nebolo jednoduche sklbit, najst si cas aj niekedy na spinning- a nieto este mysliet na chlapov :)..
December- Konferencia pre pedagogov o mladezi.. ach jaj- kruty styk s realitou, kde sa dospelaci nekonstruktivne stazuju, stazuju, kde sa len blaboc a nic sa nerobi, kde sa hada o kazdy halier, kde vsetko sa vidi cierne alebo biele.. Vtedy som si este viac uvedomila ako ma to v tej neziskovke bavi, ako ma bavi robit s ludmi ktori su uplny opak..A vtedy som si povedala ze v nej este nechcem skoncit..:)
Januar.. tak to bol ozaj vrchol... take vyhrotenie a zurocenie mojich par rokov v AIESEC.. Uznanie od ludi okolo, i vlastny dobry pocit z dobreho vykonu.. velmi dobreho vykonu, to uz davno nebolo.. po tomto momnete to ale somnou slo len dole..
Jedine co ma potom drzalo pri zivote, boli ludia, s ktorymi som rok pracovala, ktori mali pred sebou ale par poslednych dni vo funkcii..To boli jedny z najuzasnejsich momentov mojho termu- ked som na konferencii pre novych Teamleaderov pocula rozpravat decka, co som si „ja vychovala“, ako sa zmenili, ako vyrastli, a bola som na nich strasne hrda, to iste ked decka z mojho tymu z pobociek zdielali s ich nastupcami, co im ten rok dal a co sa naucili.. vtedy som si hrozne uvedomila, co AIESEC s ludmi robi a ako sa ludia dokazu zmenit ked maju zodpovednost, chybuju i uspievaju, a ucia sa z toho.. ako ich to hrooozne posuva dalej.. A zase som si ujasnila ze chcem este zostat.. zo to je to co mi dodava energiu- vidiet toto..
Este na koho som bola hrda, bola moja sestricka.. Ta stihla to, co som ja nestihla a pohla s Mimkrami (mojim ex-tanecnym suborom) hrozne daleko... Spravca weboviek, „hlavny choreograf“, vybavovac a nadsenec- ja so bola bola nieco podobne ale slaby odvar- ked som vidla tancovat segru, tak az slzicka ukapla, jak som si vravela aka je sikovna a jak sa zlepsila...Ale co ma dojalo este viac bol moment, ked som bola na jej hodine s malymi „mimikierkami“- Janka sa totiz podujala, ze na zakladke v Bojniciach bude viest tanecny kruzok.. ked som pozorovala tie male ako tam hopsaju a tancuju a uvedomila som si ze to vsetko ich naucila segra.. tak som bola na najpysnejsia starsia sestra na svete!
V tomto roku vseobecne som sa viac naucila si vazit si veci, ktore mi predtym prisli ako samozrejmost.. Ked clovek tolko cestuje, ked spoznava tolko ludi, ozne zivoty a osudy, uvedomuje si co vsteko ma, co vsteko ostatni nie a vazi si este viac.. Zacal som obdivovat nasich co za firmu vybudovali od „predavania reklamnych predmetov“ k velikanskemu „kupelnovemu programu“..
Vzdy ked som prisla domova videla tu uzasnu zahradu a dom, ked sa na mna vyrutili psy (alebo psi?..), ked maminka uvarila maso na hriboch s ryzou, ked ocko vzal gitaru a zacal hrat „nase oblubene“,ked segra hopla ku mne do postele ze sa boji, mi doslo, kurnik ja mozem byt taka rada!!! To vsetko nema kazdy..super rodinu, zazemie, podporu, surodenca a este k tomu skvelych priatelov uzasny tym, spolubyvajucich v Prahe a pracu ktora ma neskutocne bavi.....
Boze ..diky