Saturday, August 2, 2008

Postoj... Attitude..

English version below Slovak one:)

Vcera som volala s Menuskou asi hodinu a rozpravala som vsetkooo co sa tu stalo, ako si tu nazivame, co robime atd.. ked som rozoberala zivot tu a rozpravala o mojich kamaratoch, ktori su tiez v zahranici, uvedomila som si velmi dolezitu vec..

Som tu v Argentine- mam miesto kde mozem spat (ktore si neplatim), mam peniaze s ktorymi sa da v pohode vyzit, plat dostavam pravidelne, mam okolo seba uzasnych a zaujimavych ludi, ktori ,viem, ze mi pomozu ked bude treba, mam rodinu ktora ma podporuje, mam priatelov ktori sa o mna zaujimaju, ucim sa jazyk, ktory som sa vzdy chcela naucit (a ide to rychlejsie ako som cakala)…

..ze im poriadne nerozumiem, ze su chaosacki, ze chodia vsade neskoro, ze to tu nefunguje poriadne…Na co som sem prisla?? Stazovat sa?? Alebo tu nieco zmenit? Zlepsit??

..Mam kamarata v El Salvadore, ktory tam ma vcelku velke problem v tyme, nedostava plat, AIESEC ofis plati zo svojho, nema svojho prezidenta, a AIESEC tam je na tom omnoho omnoho horsie ako tu..
Petula v Qatare to tiez nema dvakrat lahke, a ked si citam jej blog… ufff fakt – JA mozem byt stastna ze som kde som!!!
..A tak som zistila ze si SAMA vytvaram problemy tam, kde nie su, sama sa uzatvaram a neriesim veci s ostatnymi a potom smutim, ze sa nespytaju..

Aka by som mohla byt spokojna, keby som si prestala robit hlavu a zacala si to tu uzivat..!!! Zakladna je pripravena.. len postoj treba zmenit..Vamooooos ;)!!

Yesterday when talking by skype to Mena I realized very important thing.. I am here in Argentina, have place to stay, have money to survive, have really amazing people around me, have people that I can rely on, work in organization I like, I have my parents that really support me, I have friends outside the country that care about what I m doing here, I learn the language that is important for me to learn, and it s going anyway faster I expected it would be.. and I M ALWAYS COMPLAINING...

….that I do not understand, that it is random here, that people are not coming to meetings, that they are all the time late and blablab.. S***t why I have come here?? To complain??
I have friend in other country of Latin America, with no salary, with mayor problems in his MC team, with no base and very unstable environment..Petula in Qatar has it muuuuuch more difficult than I have it here..
I just realized that I am just creating my problems, I just create challenges where they are not ..

How happy I could be and if I will finish with my "problems-creating" I can be really happy, satisfied here.. everything is prepared just to start enjoy.. Vamooos ;)


Petulka said...

Nic neni tak tezke jak to vypada a vsechno je o postojich, clovek zjisti ze v jine kulture nase rec tela nedava stejny smysl:) je to jako ucit se mluvit,hledat spravna slova a radovat se i z toho nejmensiho:)

Tesim se na tebe Tindulo a ukaz jim co nas v AIESEC CR naucili!

Menia said...

Hihi, vitaj v klube samo-nasieracov, samo-ubijacov, samo-problemo-vytvaracov :-D

Veselo s heslom: "Tam kde neni problem, si ho radi a bez problemov vytvorime!" ;-D

LT! :-*
