Dalsi tyzden ubehol strasne rychlo, nic som poriadne nestihla urobit. Jak sme sa prestahovali, 2 hodiny denne zabijeme v autobuse na ofise a spat, plus dalsie dve hodiny denne na Spanielcine.. Na ofis sme prichadzali o pol 11, 1-2 obed, o 5 Spanielcina a je vecer, ide sa domov a clovek nic nestihne..
Co sa tyka spanielciny, tak lekcie su ukrutne drahe (teda na moje pomery tu,- polka mesacneho platu ide na kurzy - 18 hodin)
Vyhlad z okna nasej ucebne- view from the classroom
Prvu lekciu sme mali s velmi energickou zenskou, ktora hrala show celu hodinu. Ostatne dni sme mali s takou starsiou pani.. No.. prva hodina s nou- to bolo skor cvicenie anglictiny nez Spanielciny.. celu hodinu nam rozpravala co kde najdeme v Buenos Aires, kam ist na operu, na balet, kam ist do prirody a ake mesta navstivit.. bolo to fajn ale predsa len cloveku v hlave beha za toto som si nezaplatila, to mi moze povedat po hodine, Espanol por favor!!.. Na hodine sme vzdy tri- ja, Marina, Vika, tak sme si hodiny zacali riadit sami..
Sami zaciname sa pytat po spanielsky, sami sa pytame na gramatiku, sami si pytame cvicenia a domace ulohy :).. vzdy na zaciatku hodiny sa spytame co ideme robit, vyjasnime si ocakavania, niekedy proste zmenime strukturu hodiny a ide sa :).. ale pani je strasne mila a zlata, a ma s nami hodne trpezlivosti.. ;)
Okrem tychto hodin som este trenovala spanielcinu s Emilom rano v buse(ktory teraz odisiel do Chile:(..) ..kecanie o rodine o skole o comkolvek.. Dokopy s jazyovkou mi to strasne pomohlo. Strasne sa tesim, ked som schopna dat dokopy vety, a ked sa trafim a poviem ich bez chyby:)
Z bab som tu jedina ktora sa neboji ropravat a keca keca, i ked s chybami.. je to super, ludia chytia, co chcem povedat (teda vacsinou:) a co je viac super, ze rozumiem viac a viac o com sa ludia bavia a co hovoria..:)
A co je este zaujimavejsie ze viac rozumiem i ludom co tu rozpravaju po anglicky- zacinam chapat preco pouzivaju take divne vetne spojenia ako pouzivaju a co tym myslia (pouzivaju niekedy spanielske slova "poanglictene" alebo spanielsky slovosled atd).. tak to je take zaujimave :)
This week was veeery fast.. maybe it was because we spent twice more time in bus-travelling than weeks before because of the apartment.. maybe it was because of spending 2 hours per day at Spanish lesson.. maybe it was because of getting up late.. all of this contributed that days were very short, time was running very fast.. I did not manage half of things I wanted and was exhausted anyway :(
Buuut these Spanish lessons we started to attend were pretty coooool and helpful We had 2 teachers- first very energetic and funny woman, second old lady that we had to "shape" a bit to: not to speak English all the time bus use spanish, explain us more grammar, not jump betweeen topics so much, do more exercises etc.. we even did expectation setting with her and gave her feedback!! (terrible when 3 AIESECers are attending one class :) but I can say that “WE MADE” these classes very good and useful ;)..
Furthermore in the mornings in the bus I was talking with Emil just in Spanish to practice (Emil now left to Chile :(..) and I was amazingly happy to be able to construct the sentences in Spanish to be able to talk one looong hour in Spanish about my family, house, studies etc etc..
And I realized I started to understand again much more- even when Spanish speakers speak English- I started to get why they are using these "weird words or sentence constructions" it s coming from their language and now easier to get the point ;)..
Buuut these Spanish lessons we started to attend were pretty coooool and helpful We had 2 teachers- first very energetic and funny woman, second old lady that we had to "shape" a bit to: not to speak English all the time bus use spanish, explain us more grammar, not jump betweeen topics so much, do more exercises etc.. we even did expectation setting with her and gave her feedback!! (terrible when 3 AIESECers are attending one class :) but I can say that “WE MADE” these classes very good and useful ;)..
Furthermore in the mornings in the bus I was talking with Emil just in Spanish to practice (Emil now left to Chile :(..) and I was amazingly happy to be able to construct the sentences in Spanish to be able to talk one looong hour in Spanish about my family, house, studies etc etc..
And I realized I started to understand again much more- even when Spanish speakers speak English- I started to get why they are using these "weird words or sentence constructions" it s coming from their language and now easier to get the point ;)..
Cauky Tyndaaaaa:)
tak jsem si udelala cas si precist co hezkeho zazivas:) teda v delce clanku te teda musim dohnat:) ja vim,mas to dvojjazycne:) ze bych zacala psat neco arabsky:) to by si vsichni pocetly.
Tesim se na IC tak si zarezervuj jeden vecer bez chlapu:D
Ahoj Tynko!
Tak ja se pridavam k Petule a taky te na IC moc rad uvidim... a ten vecer bez chlapu... no comment :-)
Drzim palce a mej se!
good girl!!!!!!!!
i was sure u are going to amke it fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahahha... so funny to know you have difficulty to understand the constructions that spanish-speakers make when speaking english... it was the same for me with czech people!! hahahaha
(like when they say "I was learning her"... wanting to say "teach" or this kind of things :P)
Tina nerob tam haluze, hej?
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