Saturday, July 26, 2008

7th week..Espanol por favor..

English version below

Dalsi tyzden ubehol strasne rychlo, nic som poriadne nestihla urobit. Jak sme sa prestahovali, 2 hodiny denne zabijeme v autobuse na ofise a spat, plus dalsie dve hodiny denne na Spanielcine.. Na ofis sme prichadzali o pol 11, 1-2 obed, o 5 Spanielcina a je vecer, ide sa domov a clovek nic nestihne..

Co sa tyka spanielciny, tak lekcie su ukrutne drahe (teda na moje pomery tu,- polka mesacneho platu ide na kurzy - 18 hodin)Vyhlad z okna nasej ucebne- view from the classroom

Prvu lekciu sme mali s velmi energickou zenskou, ktora hrala show celu hodinu. Ostatne dni sme mali s takou starsiou pani.. No.. prva hodina s nou- to bolo skor cvicenie anglictiny nez Spanielciny.. celu hodinu nam rozpravala co kde najdeme v Buenos Aires, kam ist na operu, na balet, kam ist do prirody a ake mesta navstivit.. bolo to fajn ale predsa len cloveku v hlave beha za toto som si nezaplatila, to mi moze povedat po hodine, Espanol por favor!!.. Na hodine sme vzdy tri- ja, Marina, Vika, tak sme si hodiny zacali riadit sami..

Sami zaciname sa pytat po spanielsky, sami sa pytame na gramatiku, sami si pytame cvicenia a domace ulohy :).. vzdy na zaciatku hodiny sa spytame co ideme robit, vyjasnime si ocakavania, niekedy proste zmenime strukturu hodiny a ide sa :).. ale pani je strasne mila a zlata, a ma s nami hodne trpezlivosti.. ;)

Okrem tychto hodin som este trenovala spanielcinu s Emilom rano v buse(ktory teraz odisiel do Chile:(..) ..kecanie o rodine o skole o comkolvek.. Dokopy s jazyovkou mi to strasne pomohlo. Strasne sa tesim, ked som schopna dat dokopy vety, a ked sa trafim a poviem ich bez chyby:)
Z bab som tu jedina ktora sa neboji ropravat a keca keca, i ked s chybami.. je to super, ludia chytia, co chcem povedat (teda vacsinou:) a co je viac super, ze rozumiem viac a viac o com sa ludia bavia a co hovoria..:)

A co je este zaujimavejsie ze viac rozumiem i ludom co tu rozpravaju po anglicky- zacinam chapat preco pouzivaju take divne vetne spojenia ako pouzivaju a co tym myslia (pouzivaju niekedy spanielske slova "poanglictene" alebo spanielsky slovosled atd).. tak to je take zaujimave :)

This week was veeery fast.. maybe it was because we spent twice more time in bus-travelling than weeks before because of the apartment.. maybe it was because of spending 2 hours per day at Spanish lesson.. maybe it was because of getting up late.. all of this contributed that days were very short, time was running very fast.. I did not manage half of things I wanted and was exhausted anyway :(
Buuut these Spanish lessons we started to attend were pretty coooool and helpful We had 2 teachers- first very energetic and funny woman, second old lady that we had to "shape" a bit to: not to speak English all the time bus use spanish, explain us more grammar, not jump betweeen topics so much, do more exercises etc.. we even did expectation setting with her and gave her feedback!! (terrible when 3 AIESECers are attending one class :) but I can say that “WE MADE” these classes very good and useful ;)..

Furthermore in the mornings in the bus I was talking with Emil just in Spanish to practice (Emil now left to Chile :(..) and I was amazingly happy to be able to construct the sentences in Spanish to be able to talk one looong hour in Spanish about my family, house, studies etc etc..
And I realized I started to understand again much more- even when Spanish speakers speak English- I started to get why they are using these "weird words or sentence constructions" it s coming from their language and now easier to get the point ;)..

Monday, July 21, 2008

Reflection in Tandill...

English version below

Tento vikend som stravila v Tandille – v mestecku 4 hodiny od Buenos Aires, s Agustinou a Davidom.

Povodne mala ist i Vika, ale bohuzial jej nebolo dobre v nedelu, tak som sla sama. Tandil je uplne iny ako BA, mensi, budovy su mnoho nizsie, takze prenika vsade viac svetla, su tu okolo hory, a vela zelene.. bezdomovca som tu nevidela, a v celom meste je klud, nie ako v Buenos Aires- zhona milion ludi.. Na jednej strane som si oddychla, nasla novych priatelov, spoznala nove mesto. Na druhej strane som si zazila krusnejsie chvile, kedy vsetci rozpravali po spanielsky a ja som bola totalne stratena,nemala som sa na koho obratit, koho poziadat o preklad..Tak som v urcitych chvilach jendoducho vypla, nepocuvala a rozmyslala nad svojim..

Pred tyzdnom v piatok sme ako zvycajne mali meeting, ja som robila zapis na pocitaci.. dochadzala mi baterka tak som vzala nabijacku a strcila ju do zastrcky.. Bohuzial sa mi podarilo ze cela zastrcka zhorela a vyzeralo to ze i moja nabijacka na notebook je nepouzitelna.. skusala som zastrcky v triede, v ani jednej mi nabijacka nefungovala.. Co bolo este horsie, Maxi mal v rozdvojke, ktora mojou vinou zhorela, tiez vlastnu nabijacku, ktora zhorela tiez.. O- moj- Boze....

Hned jak sme skoncili sme sa vybrali do mesta kupit nahradne nabijacky.. Samorejme, Fujitsu notebooky v Buenos Aires clovek tak lahko nenajde, tak sme hladali nejake ine znacky, ktore by pasovali, alebo univerzalnu nabijacku.. Behali sme po celom centre a do kazdeho elektra, ktoreho sme vkrocili, nic nemali, alebo mali take pofiderne a drahe univerzaly ze sme to radsej nekupili.. co je tu zvlastne a predtym som si to nikdy nevsimla- ze vsetky obchody podobneho zamerania su v jednej ulicke-moc nechapem princip ale to pre nas malo super vyhodu, ze sme nemuseli behat po celom meste a hladat obchody s nabijackami, ale nasli sme vsetky v dvoch- troch uliciach a potom uz len behali z jedneho obchodu do druheho..:)

Ked sme v poslednom obchode nasli jednu variantu, ktora by mohla sediet, len ju museli objednat, zacala som si prehravat v hlave par veci.. Jedna- rozpocet- v minulom tyzdni som si kupovala len sendvice a slane kolace v supermarkete, nechodila som do restauracie, aby som trochu usetrila a mala na hodiny spanielciny- ked tu zrazu by som mala vyhodit 200 pesos za nabijacku.. 200 pesos!! za co mozem zit 2 tyzdne/ alebo co mi vystaci na 10 hodin spanielciny, vcelku ma to zdrtilo.. Ked si to vsetko v hlave zvelicila, az velmi dobre som si zacala uvedomovat, ako necakane situacie mozu cloveka dostat na ulicu, ak na to nie je pripraveny..

Druha vec, ktora mi behala hlavou bolo- co vsetko mam v pocitaci, a na co vsetko pocitac pouzivam.. cela moja komunikacia s priatelmi, s rodinou,emaily,vsetky dokumenty, moja praca, kalendar a ulohy v nom zaznacene, skype, MSN, spomienky, fotky- vsetko je v nom, pomaly cely moj zivot je zhnuty v jednej vecicke za par tisíc..staci aby nabijacka vypadla, a ja som sratena..

Po hroznych pocitoch beznadeje, chudoby a necakanej zavislosti sme sa vratili spat na ofis, kde sme zistili, ze v „osudovej“triede nezhorela len rozdvojka ale cely obvod- preto ked som skusala svoju nabijacku v inych zastrckach nefungovala.. jak soms a to dozvedela, hned som bezala na ofis, zapojila do zastrcky svoju „fiktivne zhorenu“ nabijacku- a ....fungovala!!

Boze tolke stastie, taky balvanisko zo mna spadol jak nikdy.. ale bolo to dobre ze sa to stalo..velmi dobre na uvedomenie par veci..

Co bolo v ten den divne, ze nam na byte nefungovala elektrika.. jeden cely den a noc sme nemali TV, svetlo, pocitace, mobily,nic.. tak sme sli von, a travili cas vonku v parku na slnku- bolo krraaaaasne teplucko (a to je tu „zima“).. a stravili uzasny den v parkoch Buenos Aires.. bohvie ci by ten den bol taky pekny keby nam fungovala telka..

Minuly tyzden sme sa prestahovali do ineho bytu, lebo nam skoncila zmluva.. Byvame dalej od ofisu v byte kde su straaasne spinave koberce, kde to divne zapacha, a kde nemozem spat a stale sa budim.. Strasne mi je smutno za nasim minulym bytom- uz som sa tam citila ako doma, a teraz zase stahovanie.. a o dva mesiace zase stahovanie..jak tak kocovnici stale na cestach, ani sa nemusim vybalovat..:)

Smutok z noveho bytu ale napravil jeden cloviecik, ktoreho som ani nahodou v Buenos Aires necakala.. Vaco- Aiesecar z Bratislavy, ktoreho poznam uz 5 rokov a sme hodne dobri kamarati cestoval po Juznej Amerike, tak mi napisal ze pride v stvrtok, ci by mohol u nas prespat a ci mu poukazujem trochu mesto atd.. JASNE ZE HEJ!!! Boze- jak som sa tesila ze budem rozpravat po slovensky- ze pride SLOVAK!! Ked sa Vaco objavil na ofise ani som si neuvedomila ako a s hlasnym vykrikom stastia som nanho skocilaJ..sli sme do Porto Madero a k Ruzovemu domu- k ikonam BA, a kecali a kecali a kecali.. jaka stastna som bola.. vobec som si predtym neuvedomila, ako mi chyba slovencina, ako mi chybaju slovenske vtipky, ako mi chyba niekto s rovnakymi zvykmi a podobnym vnimanim sveta..Vaco bol pre mna kusok mojho domova!

No ale odisiel a s nim i „moja domovina“ a ja som sa ocitla tutaj v Tandille s ludmi, ktorym nerozumiem a oni nerozumeju mne, sama..Vitaj spat Tinuska!

Len som chcela povedat ze mi chybate! Cesi i Slovaci.. :*

This weekend I spent in Tandill- in small city close to Buenos Aires(here „close“ is 4 hoursJ ). Vika was supposed to come as well, but unfortunatelly she did not feel well, so I went alone.

Tandill is toootaly different than Buenos Aires- much smaller, building are much lower, much calmer, silent and green. Amazing city for relax and getting energy.. I needed that. I was happy I took this opportunity and went with Agustina to her hometown..

But.. on the other side there were tough moments, when we were together with her friends and family, when everybody was speaking Spanish, no English and I was lost.. Firstly I tried to understand, but after some time I got tired, just switched off and thought about last weeks..

One week ago as usually we had meeting with MC. I was doing output- day as any other.. I ran for my charger, my computer was dying and put the charger into plug.. Kkssssh!!!!! suddenly several sparks and burnt smell, the prolonger was black.. Mine charger, neither Maxis did not work..Oh M-y G-o-t.. .. I started to think, where I will find here „Fujitsu siemens“ charger for my laptop (I did not see this brand there anywhere before),and even worse where I will get Money to get this charger..

I was thinking how I was sparing Money last week, eating just some small stuff bought in supermarkets to save money to have it for Spanish lessons and suddenly I will need 200 pesos for stupid charger.. 200 pesos!! Money I could live 2 weeks from, Money I could pay all my Spanish lessons!!...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…

I was very sad. It was even worse, when we were going with Maxi around the shops and they did not have ANYwhere what we needed.. My laptop.. my Schedule, my emails, my communication with whole world, with my family and friends, my photos, my documents, my work, my everything.. One stupid think for several 10 000 Slovak crowns was out and I was out as well.. I was trying to use what my grandma used to say- that „broken leg is worse“ but it did not work.. At that time in my personal materialistic crisis I would rather have broken leg then no comp ... :-S..

No success in finding charger- we came back to office and suddenly realized that by this „charger accident“ not jut the prolonger burnt but all the plugs in the network in the classroom. So when I was trying to put my charger into another plugs in the room- of course it did not work- there was no electricity!! When guys told me - I was almost running to the Office and tried it there.

- and IT WORKed!!! Such a happines after feeling so desperate..was good it happened.. very good..

That day was weird, neither at home there was no electricity, nor next day as well.. On one side it was again bad- disconnection, no TV, no mobile, no light, nothing. On the other side we spent beautiful day outside home in parks of Buenos Aires.. That would maybe not happen if we had electricity J..

Last week we moved to another apartment.. I felt really sad, because I was leaving my „new home“.. A place where I felt safe, where I had my space, where I had my restaurant, my shops, by base.. again finding new base in a flat much further from Office than this last one, with dirty carpets and weird „old“ smell..

This „getting used” to soo many things all the time, changing the places for living (and it will be again in two months :S ) was exhausting me A LOT.. I did not realize it that much until one Slovak friend came..

One week ago my friend Vaco from AIESEC Slovakia called me that he is coming for some days to Buenos Aires, that he s travelling around South America if he could stay at our house.. OF COURSE!! I did not know I m looking forward to him so much unless he came to the office and I jumped on him with loud shout!!:) We spent together afternoon and I was talking Slovak.. I loved this guy- he was for me „part of my home“ .. Same language, same habits, same opinions, same jokes.. my god - I was so happy!!!

But… he left and with him my “home” and I found myself here in Tandill in Spanish environment with people I do not know and cannot get to know because I do not speak their language, and they do not speak mine..Welcome back Tina! This is how it is..

Miss you, Czecoslovak guys!! just wanted to tell u :*..

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

1 month in Buenos Aires

English version below ;)

Tak dnes je presne mesiac co som sa ocitla v Buenos Aires.. Vsetko to ubehlo neskutocne rychlo..
Len si spominam ako pred odchodom bolo vsetko "naposledy".. Naposledy som si kupila cappucino v Coffee Heaven, naposledy som cestovala prazskym metrom, naposledy som videla svojich priatelov, naposledy platila slovenskymi korunami.. a pod..

Ked som prisla do BA spustila sa sprcha "prvykrat". Prvykrat cesta metrom, prve nedorozumenie kvoli spanielcine, prve nedorozumenie kvoli kulturnym zvykom, prvy nakup v supermarkete, prve "stratenie sa" prvy plac..To bola ta smutnejsia cast tych "poprve" potom uz prisli tie pozitivne "prve dorozumenie sa", prve najdenie cesty domov, prva riadne dobre cappucino, prve "riadne tesenia sa" :)...

Ten mesiac urobil strasne moc, poznam viac mesto, mam tu omnoho viac priatelov, viem viac spanielciny.. Uvedomila som si to ked som vcera cestovala Prvy krat SAMA domov busom.. predtym som sa nejak neodvazila ale na druhej strane ani nemala prilezitost.. Teraz som uz vedela, co povedat v buse, kde vystupit, co robit, ak bus zase raz zmeni trasu äco je tu vcelku mozne kvoli strajkom ja sa ocitnem niekde inde..

A ked som prisla domov, do nasho cisteho bytu (upratovalis me celu sobotu!! konecne!!), ulozila si veci na svoju postel, urobila si vceru a lahla si pred televizor, po prvy krat som citila "ako doma" :)..

Zacala som tak rozmyslat, co su veci na ktore som si uz zvykla ale ked som to videla prvykrat ma strasne zarazili..

Neskutocne mnozstvo bezdomovcov.. su vsade, a vecer ked ideme domov maju ustlane vsade len tak na chodnikoch, pred obchodmi, vo vsetkych moznych vyklenkoch je nejaky bezdomovec.
Je tu je i vela DETI!! ktore sa tulaju po uliciach a zobru..Bud len tak sedia s krabickami pod nohami, alebo behaju po metre a ziadaju o peniaze.. Minule jedno dievcatko(mohlo mat tak 7) nastupilo do metra predstavilo sa, porozpravao svoj pribeh, zaspievalo a potom si obchodilo ludi, avyzbieralo peniaze.. stale niekto chodi s niecim po metre- dospelaci predavaju papierove vreckovky, nite a ihly, sponky a podobne drobne veci, a zbieraju pesa.. Chudoby je tu hodne.. Mozme byt radi kde sme a kde zijeme. Naozaj.

Rozpis busov?? haha. ziadny neexistuje(!).. proste prides a cakas.. Zastavky su oznacene tak ze si ich clovek ani poriadne nevsimne, a nejaky web kde by som si zistila spojenia tiez poriadne neviem.. Zastavky ani nemaju meno, ludia sa pytaju vzdy na ulicu alebo popisuju budovy.. ked cestujeme busom a nevieme kde mame vystupit musime riadne pozorovat na ktorej ulici sme a ake je to cislo.. Minule sme cestovali same baby z jedneho kulturneho vecera a akosi sme mali vystupit pri kongrese len sme spanikarili a vystupili inde lebo sa nam zdalo ze cestujeme uz nejako dlho a nevedeli sme sa spytat,.. tak sme slapali domov 3/4 hodinu..

Tu ma hrozne prekvapilo ze zastavka na jednej linke sa vola Lima ale ked sa na tom istom mieste prestupuje z druhej linky cestou spat uz tam ziadna LIMA neni!! a vola sa inak.. takze ked si to clovek nevsimne, strati sa vcelku lahko. :) take je to vtipne :D..

Pozdravy, podakovania, zaujem o druhych
u sa vzdy vsade kazdy pozdravi, za vsetko vsetucko sa dakuje, a vzdy sa pozdravi ked sa odchadza.. Neviem ci som dakovala niekedy v Tescu pokladnicke a priala pekny vecer.. tu je to bezne a nejako si neviem zvyknut vsade zdravit a dakovat za uplne uplne vsetko..
Co ma tiez prekavpilo bolo v prvych dnoch ked sme stali pred tabulami s metrom a nevedeli kam mame ist, ludia sa hned pristavili a pytali sa ci nepotrebujeme pomoct. To ma prekvapilo hrozne. Neviem ci je to bezne, ale v CR ani na Slovensku sa mi to nestalo za par rokov, tu hned prvy tyzden..

Co sa tyka pozdravov- jedna pusa sa dava kazdemu- i ked prideme na meeting so zastupcami firiem, so vsetkymi si podame ruku, pusu na lice, a predstavime sa vzdy len prvym menom (stale si neviem na to zvyknut- bozkavat cudzieho cloveka aaaaaa.. ale je to tu slusne, no..)

Blondiny...ach jo

Tak toto asi nikdy nepochopim.. tu je blondina je ako bohyna krasy (je jedno ako vyzera zvysok, staci ze jej vlasy su bledse tmavohnede).. ja jak mam tmave vlasy vobec nemam tolko pozorosti ako Marina ktora je blondata a kazdy na nu vyslovene cumi.. (co mne ale vobec nevadi, predsa len keby na mna niekto vkuse zazeral, nie je to dvakrat prijemne).. Ale to, ze sa ma decka z pobociek pytaju, ci som ja ta blondata a ked poviem ze nie, tak so mnou nekomunikuju, ma vytaca..!!

Tolko pre dnesok, ale vseobecne- mam sa tu dobre, uz pomaly viem co konkretne tu budem robit (hladala som sa asi mesiac!!), zacinam mat lepsi obrazok o tom, co bude fungovat a co nie, a tesim sa na nasu prvu konferenciu ked stretnem decka z ostatnych pobociek..

English version :)

Today is exactly one month I m in BA. Everything went sooo fast!!

I just remember how before my leaving there were " The Lasts".. Last cappucino in Coffee Heaven, last travel by Prague metro, last paying with Slovak money, last night in my MC flat, in my house, last visiting my friends..
When coming to BA, the shower of "The Firsts" came.. First travel by this metro, first journey to the office, first shopping in supermarket, first misunderstanding because of Spanish, first misunderstanding because of cultural habits, first getting lost, first crying..But then to these more or less “un happy firsts” came more pleasant ones, like” first understanding spanish cashier I the shop, first asking for the direction in Spanish, first “finding the way”, first real enjoying the time here..:)

This month was very very meaningful for me.. Now I know the city much more, I have much more friends, I speak more Spanish..I m starting to be a bit more independent and not THAAAt lost J..

I realized this when I traveled yesterday for my First Time ALONE by bus from office home. I knew what to say, where to get off, what to do if the bus changes the direction (as it can happen here cause of strikes..;)

…And when I came to our clean apartment, came in my room, put my stuff on my bed took, made a dinner and lied myself ona bed, I felt for my First time as “at home :).”.

A just started to think what are the things I was very surprised about and now I took them quite normally..So e.g.

Too many homeless..
I thought In Prague there are many of them, but here..they are everywhere!! When we are going home in the evening they are lying in front of the houses and shops.. Also children!! This is very very sad.. I have never seen so many children homesless as here. During the day they are either just sitting ad begging for money or doing some performances in metro or on the streets. Last week one girl stepped into the metro, introduced herself and started to sing, then she took money from some people and moved to another train.. I was very bad after this..:S

Bus Stops
there is NO SCHEDULE!!!!! This was a huuuge shock for me.. you just come to the stop and wait.. if you are lucky bus comes, if not u have to take a taxi..Even bus stops do not have names, so we somehow are just guessing where to get off, and have to really take care and watch the street names and numbers.

Well.. what is interesting here is that one stop on one line is called wit one name but on the other line on the same place with different name.. so if you are changing lines on one place from one direction is called e.g. Lima,but when u are coming back the same way, there is No LIMA!! So if you did not realized the change you can get easily quite confusing..:D

Greetings, thanks and interest in others

What is not usual for me, here everybody everywhere everytime greets, thanks, wishes a beautiful day.. everywhere.. I do not remember when I was in Czech Republic or Slovakia thanking a cashier for the shopping and wishing a beautiful day.. here it is normal, and sometimes I just forget and I then I feel stupid and impolite. :(

People are caring what is happening and helping a lot. This is not just inside the team, but for example- we were lost in metro, staring at the map and ppl saw we have problems, so they were asking and helping. Maybe it is not a habit, it happened just 2times to me here, but in my whole time in Czech Republic it did not happen. I had always ask somebody then they helped. So I was very pleased..
To the greetings- what I still cannot get used to is the kissing on cheek but with EVERYBODY, even in the companies. On the meetings you give and receive a kiss.. It s still very weird to be with foreign people soo close from the first moment, but it s polite.. so..I have to survive..

So this is it for this time.. anyway, I already started to work, finishing my plan, got much clearer picture what is possible here and what to do, so I m starting to look forward to meet people at our first conference and work with them.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

*English post*... Not ready..

So yesterday was the day when my term officially started.. But I still do not feel any change.. we are still continuing with planning process, going to do task-force-planning tomorrow... still there was not this "kick-on- point" that would tell me - now the hard work is starting!

I am somehow missing the engine, that I usually used to have at the beginning of my terms..I still do not have clear vision and I still do not know where to start.. sooo many things to do, soo much potential, but framework missing, people, that I could involve, are missing, contacts missing,... aaaaaaa...My LCP and MC year I definitely knew what I want to see at the end, what is possible and what not. At the end- things that I did not achieve and goals that we did not reach, was not because it would be impossible, but because of bad planning or not capacity of me and other people involved.. but it WAS possible, I m sure.

Here I totally DO NOT KNOW what can be possible and what not.. many ppl say to me that I can do great things here.. But what is this "great thing"???

Other thing is that we are not legal in Argentina.. WE are just legal as Southern Cone- based in Santiago de Chile, AIESEC Chile is completely legal, Argentina not.. We had Supervisory Group meeting on Tuesday (btw everything in Spanish..:S.. understood 40% of that ;) and they were very pissed- how come we are not focused on legal issues!- how come we are doing other things than working on legality of our organization!..Even they are afraid to admit they work with AIESEC if we are not legal, they are helping "black workers" in Argentina.. That a bit scared me, I did not realizae it was such a big issue before.. How we can sell exchanges here, apply for grants, get trust form our partners if we are illegal????

So also that is a reason why I m somehow lost and totally do not know what I can afford and what not..:(

BUT..There is one thing that is making me happy and that is the contact with LCs.. I loved Zlin coaching visits, I loved to visit Brno, I loved visits in Karvina, or meetings with some Prague members when I was in Czech Republic.. That s why I m soo happy that I will coach 3 LCs here- Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile and Vina de Mar.

But when i m going to Chile- still do not know..OK back to work